On the wedding day, the groom realized that he had made a mistake

zkm.globalinfo.pl 2 dni temu
Zdjęcie: On the wedding day, the groom realized that he had made a mistake

The village wedding was in full swing. The young husband, Alexey Razmolov, ran along the path from the street toilet to the wedding hut. Not far from where he was, to the side, he saw a street washstand and decided to wash himself.

Diving into the depths of the garden, Alexey bent over the basin and was just about to open the water, when suddenly the white dress of the bride flashed in the darkness. The hero of the occasion decided to see where his wife was going and quietly followed her.

Before reaching the corner of the summer kitchen, he heard voices. I listened, but could not make out what the conversation was about. Alexey came even closer and examined the following picture: his young wife, Lyudmila, stood leaning against the wall. Opposite the girl is a man. A young, strong guy said something to Lyuda, and she lowered her head and listened.

Lesha smiled and decided to come out of his hiding place. Suddenly, the stranger hugged Razmolov’s wife around the waist, she wrapped her arms around his neck and the couple began to kiss passionately. Alexei froze in place. He was confused because he had never been in such situations.

It was clear that something needed to be done, but what? The young man couldn’t think of anything better than to cough loudly. The guy and Luda instantly recoiled from each other. The bride straightened her dress and walked in one direction, and the stranger walked in the other. Alexey returned to the path and, as if nothing had happened, went to the hut, where the guests continued to congratulate him.

The young husband sat down in his place at the table, drank a glass of water in one gulp and looked around in confusion. The guests had a lot of fun. It was already quite late, but they were not going to leave. No one listened to the toastmaster, and there were no longer anyone willing to participate in his competitions.

Everyone was minding their own business: they ate, drank, danced, someone argued, and someone was already sleeping, leaning their elbows on the edge of the table. Some women were clearing away the dirty dishes and bringing out snacks, cold cuts, and bottles of drinks again.

Alexei wanted only one thing – for this to all end as soon as possible. He suddenly looked at the village feast with completely different eyes, as if he had woken up. “What am I doing here?” — the man thought and sighed heavily.

At that moment Lyudmila’s father approached him and sat down next to him. Alexey turned away and almost burst into tears. During this evening, he was pretty fed up with his father-in-law. The man began to celebrate in the morning and now walked staggering and hiccupped loudly. In addition, Ivan Vasilyevich approached Alexey several times and started some empty, meaningless conversations. And here it is again:

– Lekha, let me hug you, son. Remember, I'm always on your side. If anything happens, call me and we’ll be with you,” the father-in-law clenched his fist and loudly hit the table. The young man nodded silently; he didn’t want to talk. He saw Lyudmila. The girl stood surrounded by her friends, and they were talking about something.

At this moment, the newlyweds met their gaze. Luda blew her husband a kiss and waved. The guy couldn't stand it anymore. He got up from the table and walked towards the gate. On the way, he was already dialing a taxi number to go home.

Alexey and Lyudmila met a year ago in a nightclub. The guy was not looking for any serious acquaintances, especially in clubs, but it turned out that the girl offended him.

27-year-old system administrator Razmolov had never met such a passionate girl. The young people began dating without obligations. Soon Lyosha realized that he felt very good with this woman.

Luda was an excellent housewife; if she stayed overnight, she would prepare breakfast in the morning and then do the cleaning. Could iron all the shirts. And dirty socks magically disappeared from under the bed and after a while were absolutely clean in the chest of drawers.

But that is not all. It was very interesting with the girl. We could talk about any topic without embarrassment. Lyudmila understood everything, understood the psychology of people and could give advice and help make decisions. Plus she was very pretty. Alexey repeatedly caught the envious glances of his friends.

One day, Lyuda was found in her son’s rented apartment by Alexei’s mother, Tatyana Nikolaevna. The guy had been living separately from his parents for several years, but on weekends the mother visited her child.

Tatyana Nikolaevna did not subject her son to any special control, she was just bored, that’s why she came to see him. The son introduced the women, but did not explain anything. Only in the evening my mother called:

– Lyudmila is your girlfriend? Are you serious or just a little hobby?

– I don’t know, mom. We meet sometimes, but I haven’t thought about what will happen next. Although, I really like her. Cool girl.

– What is it good for? – asked the mother.

– Everyone. I feel good, comfortable, comfortable with her, but without her something is already missing.

– Well, if it’s good, then get married. You'll be turning thirty soon, and you're still jumping around nightclubs. It's time to think about family. Dad and I have been thinking about grandchildren for a long time, unlike you.

“I don’t know,” the man thought, “I’ll think about it.”

“Think, think before they take you away,” the mother smiled and turned off the phone.

Tatyana Nikolaevna has long wanted her son to get married. Luda seemed to her to be a very decent girl. Alexei’s mother already knew that her son’s girlfriend was from the village, her relatives lived there. “This is good,” thought Tatyana, “it means Lyudmila is not spoiled, hard-working, not like modern city girls.”

Well, the fact that the bride has no education, but works as a hairdresser in a beauty salon is also not bad. Alexey will earn money, and his wife will raise the children and keep the house in order. Lesha’s mother had a classic idea of a family: the husband is the breadwinner, the wife is the housewife.

Lyudochka, apparently, was happy with this state of affairs. Look, what kind of order Alexey has brought into the apartment – a sight for sore eyes.

Some time later, Lyudmila moved into her boyfriend’s rented apartment. The girl didn’t immediately like that Alexey offered to pay all expenses and rent in half. That's not why she came from the village. She was looking for someone in the city who would provide for her in full.

But the girl didn’t say anything to Alexey, she silently agreed. But she complained to Tatyana Nikolaevna when she came to visit:

– Oh, Lyudochka, I couldn’t be happier. I come to visit you and relax my soul. How smart you are. An ideal housewife,” Tatyana Nikolaevna praised her future daughter-in-law.

“I don’t know how long I’ll last like this,” the girl grimaced, “Lyosha loves order in the house, home-cooked food, and clean, ironed clothes, but I need to work, so soon there won’t be any time left.” for household chores.

– What do you mean? – the mother was confused.

— I want to take a part-time job and work on weekends. Alexey demands all expenses in half, but, sorry, I can’t afford it. “And also serve him,” the girl pouted, “before moving to my beloved, I rented a room from a pensioner.” And I can barely pay for such a luxurious apartment, even if only half of it, and I deny myself everything,” tears appeared in Lyudochka’s eyes.

Tatyana Nikolaevna was angry with her son.

– I'll talk to him. Another thing I thought of was to demand that expenses be paid in half. In our family not accepted. And when your children come, will he order you to work on maternity leave?

– Children? — Alexei’s bride was surprised.

– Yes. Children. Dad and I dream that you get married. Don't worry, Luda, we will help you. Lesha is our only son, so we’ll do our best.

The girl was incredibly happy. She realized that Alexei’s mother was on her side, and together they could persuade the guy to do anything.

The girl was not mistaken. Now Lesha paid the rent for the apartment himself. Mom talked to her son and convinced him not to put pressure on Lyudochka. Her salary is small, and besides, a girl needs to dress and take care of herself, and all sorts of feminine things are not cheap.

Lyuda was glad that she managed to break the guy so easily, but she was not too impudent – she bought food and cooked. The 25-year-old girl really wanted to get married, and Alexey was quite a suitable option. Yes, he didn’t suit Lyudochka in everything, but there are no ideal men – the girl already understood that. The main thing is that he doesn’t stick his nose where it shouldn’t.

For example, the gentleman never asked Luda about her life before him. He didn’t even express a desire to meet her parents. And, according to the woman, this was a very important point. She would never agree to marry a guy without knowing anything about him and his family.

Alexey already met the bride’s parents, almost before the wedding. The girl spent a long time trying to persuade her to go to the village, but the young man didn’t want to. In the end, the couple did not plan any banquet. They were going to sign, go to a restaurant with witnesses and sit at home with their parents.

They wouldn’t have signed if they hadn’t started thinking about getting pregnant and having a child.

Lyudmila’s parents did not accept such a decision for their daughter and her fiancé:

“You do as you wish, but the wedding will happen,” the bride’s mother said sternly, “it’s unclear what they came up with!” Yes, my father and I will be laughed at by the whole village and will remember this all our lives. They will say: the Novikovs delayed the wedding for their only daughter.

“Tamara Petrovna, we don’t need a wedding, and we plan to spend the money more wisely,” Alexey said with a smile.

“We don’t need your money,” the future mother-in-law got angry, “my father and I will do everything ourselves, we’ll organize it.” I will separate a wild boar from the farm, a couple of dozen broilers, my own vegetables and fruits. Don't be afraid, son-in-law, everything will be in the best possible way.

“I’m not afraid,” the “son-in-law” shrugged,
“All that is needed from you is to appear on the appointed day and hour,” Tamara Petrovna summed up.

So they appeared “at the appointed day and hour” on their own. The village wedding took place a week after the painting in the city and was celebrated in a big way. There were about fifty guests, the tables were crowded. Musicians were invited, a hut was built in the courtyard, the walls of which were decorated with carpets, balls and, for some reason, silvery New Year's rain.

The newlyweds were given a three-liter jar of money, two tea sets, a refrigerator, a washing machine and a lot of boxes.

Alexey really didn’t want this collective farm wedding, but now he was incredibly happy and, waking up in the morning in his apartment, decided that all these gifts should rightfully go to his failed mother-in-law.

After all, if it weren’t for Tamara Petrovna and her wedding, Alexey would never have known what his little wife was capable of. I cheated right at the wedding. “This is temperament,” the guy thought and grinned.

The young man turned on the phone. A few seconds later, messages started pouring in about missed calls, then text messages. The man read everything that his mother-in-law, wife and relatives thought about him.

Tamara Petrovna called from the very morning and sent an SMS message asking him to urgently appear on the second day of the wedding. After all, the guests have gathered again, and traditions must be observed: chicken broth with homemade noodles is the main dish of today. Next, the mother-in-law listed all the events that were planned for today.

Alexey threw away the phone and stretched on the bed. He was incredibly happy that the village wedding opened his eyes. The man filed for divorce and sent all of Lyudmila’s things to be delivered to her parents’ house.

Many were perplexed: what happened? This is some kind of absurdity: to file for divorce a week and a half after registering the marriage. Lyudochka herself did not understand what had happened, then Alexei had to explain everything:

– Because of one kiss, you are destroying our family? – Lyuda was indignant, and Alexey was once again convinced that he was doing the right thing now.

“Yes, this is my ex, Genka Zadorozhny, he attacked himself, I was just confused,” Lyudmila again began to make excuses, but her husband was adamant.

Then the young wife became seriously angry:

– Fuck you. Someone really needs you. Find another fool to clean your apartment all day long, and even pay half for it. I take the wedding gifts. Our guests donated everything. There's nothing of yours there. If only I had horns, I would give it to you,” the offended woman laughed hysterically and left, loudly slamming the door.

Alexey sighed with relief and mentally praised himself for the right decision.

Friends and acquaintances supported Alexei, but there were those who did not understand him at all. Some did not understand how one could immediately get a divorce because of a single kiss. And others did not consider the kiss cheating at all and, looking at the guy, only twisted it at his temple.

But Razmolov was sure that he was right. Now Alexey is dating another girl and is absolutely happy, but he is no longer in a hurry to go to the registry office.

After his divorce from Lyudmila, Alexey decided to change his profession and got a job as a driver in a transport company. On one of the trips, Dima turned out to be his partner, who told Alexey his story. It turned out that Dima’s fiancee, Valya, did not wait for him to return from service and married someone else

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