Christmas is coming and we have been able to feel it in the air, on TV and the radio and of course in shopping malls for a few weeks. My friends, relatives and neighbours have been talking about the household chores that need to be done before Christmas, like cleaning the windows and giving the house a thorough cleaning. OMG!, I thought. As a mother hen, I experience the daily grind with two beloved men - my son and my husband. When I hear someone talking about "a thorough cleaning," I try to change the subject as fast as possible and walk away towards much safer topics. Then I feel a little guily that again I won't manage to polish my house to a shine. Fortunately, I get over it quickly.
What are your household chores?
change the sheets - zmieniać pościel
clean the windows - myć okna
do household chores - wykonywać prace domowe
do the washing / laundry - robić pranie
collect the children from school - odebrać dzieci ze szkoły
load / empty the dishwasher - ładować / rozładowywać zmywarkę
make the bed - ścielić łóżko
mop the floor - myć podłogę
put the rubbish out - wynieść śmieci
put the washing out / hang out the washing - wywiesić pranie
water the plants - podlewać kwiaty
jacket - Stradivarius
blouse / bag - Zara
boots - Mango %
skirt - Mango (very old collection %)
cap - H&M (old collection)