Some of you already know, and for some it may be a surprise, but recently I have been living in Portugal. Recently means 5 months since October. In free time it happens that I am motivated enough to explore around. And you are probably wondering why I am not starting with Lisbon (because I have not been there yet ^^) or Porto, or with one of the thousand other magical places. The reason is simple, it may be because other places are more famous, more often visited, more touristic. And maybe it is because Bezerra spoke to my heart the most since I am here.
Mieścinka (wioska?...) jest w środku niczego. Kilka domów na krzyż, sąsiedzi znają jeden drugiego i wiedzą wszystko o wszystkich. Nie ma tu żadnych typowo turystycznych atrakcji, żadnego punktu do odhaczenia, absolutnie niczego, na co Twoi znajomi mogliby wykrzyknąć 'łał!' i poczuć nutkę zazdrości.
The town (village?...) is in the very middle of nowhere. Few houses, the neighbors know one another and know everything about everyone who lives there, that is all what you can find there. If you are looking for any touristic attractions, must does to check out, anything what your friends would say 'wow!' to and felt jealous, that is not the right place.

Jedyne co tam znajdziesz, to Natura. Kozy i owce nawołujące do siebie od czasu do czasu i uciekające na Twój widok. Psy, które albo obszczekają cię od stóp do głów, albo zignorują, albo przyjdą się połasić. Małe domki, dla których czas jakby stanął w miejscu, w niektórych choćby nie ma ciepłej bieżącej wody. Drzewa, pola, łąki, krzaczyska i... góry! I to wszystko.
The only thing you will find there is the Nature. Goats and sheep call to each other having conversations you are not able to understand, and run away on your sight. The dogs will either bark at you, ignore you or ask you for a bit of tender touch and attention. The time stoped for tiny houses, and in some there is not even running hot water. Trees, meadows, fields, bushes and... mountains! that is it.
If you want to slow down, rest, do absolutely nothing, go back to the roots, breath in deeply - in Bezerra you will find more than one opportunity to gift yourself a moment, restart your wires. Because there is nothing else to do. And if you have a car or a bike, and you are a fan of trips around, the town below, Port de Mos, may be a good base for you.
Dla mnie Bezerra jest synonimem małego, prywatnego raju, choć mam tez świadomość, iż istnieją ludzie, którzy zanudzili by się tam na śmierć. (;
I am aware that ones may not like that atmosphere and would be bored to death after one hour, but for me personally, Bezerra is small, private paradise (: